Sunday, December 29, 2019

Essay on Moulin Rouge Gender Inequality - 1219 Words

In today’s world, men and women are perceived equally by the society. In the past, authority and control define men while women are given the characteristic of helplessness. Men are able to get hold of high positions while women usually are subservient to them. In movies, we would usually see women portray roles that are degrading due to the stereotypical notions they associate with this gender group. Moulin Rouge, a movie set during the 1900s narrates the story of a courtesan woman, Satine, as she undergoes hardships to earn money, experiences love but unfortunately, due to her irrational choices, faces tragic consequences at the end. Satine is a symbol of how women are being treated by the society during the era before post-feminism,†¦show more content†¦This way of positioning deliberately substantiates the ideology that â€Å"male are active subjects who look upon female characters as passive objects (Ott Mack, 2010).† Females are not able to escape this g aze, for they are situated similar to a circus performer being displayed to amuse the viewers of the show. Satine is being contained in this inescapable world where she is responsible to please those around her. Men use their gender to their advantage, for they know their role in the society is more superior to those of the females. They take pleasure in gazing at Satine’s immaculate curves and remarkable good looks. Fetishism, which is the â€Å"psychic structuring of an object or person as a source of sexual pleasure (Ott Mack, 2010)†, is prevalent during the entire scene. Satine recognizes this power of manipulation she has on those fetishizing over her beauty. In the past, the male gaze is also apparent in the media. Madonna uses the male gaze to manipulate men to supply her with material objects. Material Girl becomes an anthem of women who are willing to be objectified for the sake of actualizing their luxurious desires. Both Madonna and Satine utilize beauty an d glamour to their advantage. Although Satine’s position of having superiority as opposed to the other female characters may be apparent, this frame of reference is entirely fallacious. The objectification of Satine byShow MoreRelatedGender And Racial Identity Of Film2128 Words   |  9 PagesYue Zheng Prof. Aili Bresnahan PHL 324 11/8/2016 Gender and Racial Identity in Film Gender and racial identity was a form of discrimination in the world and they were interrelated that fuelling the injustice social phenomenon and problem. For example, women were a particular group and as a symbol showed the social abuses, acts of violence and biggest discrimination based on the sexual difference and racism. The difference of color, race, gender were the big biases not only to deprive of women’s

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Copyright infringement Essay - 2649 Words

Copyright infringement In general terms, copyright provides an author with a tool to protect a work from being taken, used, and exploited by others without permission (Roseoner 1). This is further defined in federal statute 17 U.S.C. Section 106. The owner of the copyrighted work has the exclusive right to authorize any of the following: - to reproduce the copyrighted work in copies - to prepare derivative works based upon the copyrighted work - to distribute copies of the copyrighted work to the public - to display the copyrighted work in a public setting There have been many underlying forces that have shaped the copyright law in our legal system today. Tensions have always existed between the rights of the public versus†¦show more content†¦He is essentially a preacher and moralist, but a preacher from the stage of life, with the spirit of the dramatist in the series of scenes with which he often addressed his audience (Hind 233). Hogarth was constantly preyed upon by plagiarists. Hogarth’s most popular work was called The Rake’s Progress, which were a collection of prints. Plagiarists would actually pose as potential buyers to get into Hogarth’s home to see his most popular works, then they would make attempts at reproducing the images of what they had seen. By 1735, England granted Hogarth’s protection claims. The copyright laws of the United States stand on this structure built in England. In 1790, the United States Congress enacted our first federal copyright statute providing copyright for an initial term of 14 years. In 1831, the initial term of copyright was lengthened to 28 years. By 1870, the laws were amended to cover paintings, drawings, statues and models or designs of works of the fine arts. Recent legislation has extended the term to the artist’s life plus 70 years for works created after 1977. For works created before 1978 that must be renewed, the total term has been extended to 95 years from the time it was published. There has been a dispute as to what constitutes publication, and interpretations have ranged from an appearance in an exhibition to reproduction in printed form. The law varies from country to country. Today, we have the Internet. In 1995, there wasShow MoreRelatedCopyright Infringement is Immoral1165 Words   |  5 Pagesmusic without paying for it is so easy it barely seems illegal. Copyright infringement is a huge ethical issue going on right now. From downloading movies and music from peer-to-peer programs as well as various websites to being able to stream a movie at the click of a button without a copy ever being saved on the computer its so simple, anyone could get addicted to doing it. 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Use or reference of famous work is permitted when it is for â€Å"transformative† or limited use. This work be considered â€Å"fair use† and many copyright infringement trials have been dismissed because of this. Copyrights are an important tool to ensure that copyrighted work that is referenced mentionsRead MoreCopyright Infringement Research Paper4022 Words   |  17 PagesCopyright Infringement Research Paper We are well into the year of 2011 and technology is continuing to advance and a faster and faster rate. As technology advances there continues to be more of an opportunity for things to go wrong. The ability of our society to obtain information has been becoming as easy as it has ever been. I simple line into the google search bar and you are looking at millions upon millions of lings and opportunities to attain information. With this source and hundredsRead MorePatents And Copyright Infringement Trials1971 Words   |  8 Pagestheir intellectual properties through copyrighting it. Copyrights are patents and trademarks, and it gives the owners the right to claim their work and protect it from theft (Intellectial Property Help Desk). Use or reference of famous work is permitted whenn it is transformative or for limited use. This work is considered fair use and many copyright infringement trials have been dismissed because of the fair use doctrine. Copyrights are an important tool to ensure that copyrighted work thatRead MoreNapster : The Problem Of Copyright Infringement981 Words   |  4 Pages Napster had the attention of the Record Industry Association of America (RIAA), and their concerns of Copyright infringement. About a year after its launch, it was sued by the RIAA, which represented major recording companies such as Universal Music, BMG, Sony Music, and Warner Music Group. They claimed that by allowing users to swap free music recordings, Napster’s service violated Copyright laws. Eventually, the judge ruled against Napster forcing them to shut down operations and liquidate itsRead MoreThe Violation Of Copyright Infringement1296 Words   |  6 PagesOn the 26th of June, 2015 the Copyright (Online Infringement) amendment was assented, and came into effect the day after. The laws that this amendment includes aim to allow copyright holders to make requests that online locations hosting their copyrighted content be blocked, regardless of if the websites are hosted on Australian soil or not. The amendment also allows copyright holders to request that the details of piraters be handed over by Internet Service Providers. However, the effectivenessRead MoreOwnership And Infringement Of Copyrights2189 Words   |  9 PagesOwnership and Infringement of Copyrights Introduction: Definition and understanding of Copyrights: The legal right that is created by enforcement of law by a country that provides the creator of an original exclusive work rights to use and distribute it, usually for a limited time with the aim of enabling the initiator to get compensation for their intellect work is known as copyright. It is a structure of intellectual property such as trademark, a patent or trade secret etc which is relevant toRead MoreCopyright Infringement Essay788 Words   |  4 PagesCopyright infringement is the unauthorized use of copyrighted material in a manner that violates one of the copyright owners exclusive rights, such as the right to reproduce or perform the copyrighted work, or to make derivative works that build upon it. For electronic and audio-visual media, unauthorized reproduction and distribution is often referred to as piracy (however there is no legal basis for this and indeed in one US copyright lawsuit the judge ordered the plaintiffs legal team to stopRead MoreThe Government s Combat On Copyrights Infringement2844 Words   |  12 PagesAgreement on Trade-Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS). Copyright protection is one area that China has made great progress in especially in the entertainment industry. With China’s economy booming, China is consuming an increasing amount of TV shows. However, China’s TV industry suffers from a critical dilemma-the lack of innovations. This research paper will study in depth how the government’s combat on copyrights infringement affect the amount of innovations in the TV industry in China.

Friday, December 13, 2019

Confucianism Free Essays

Wow, can you believe that Confucianism has been around for about five thousand years. I believe human problems, rules, and organization lead to the creation of this religion. Of course the humans on earth have a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have tried to fix It. We will write a custom essay sample on Confucianism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Next, after you fix the human problems you need to make rules so you do not need to state the same things back over, and people will know what to do. Then you need to be organized so no one will be confused about what to do. I conclude by stating I believe human problems, rules, and organization lead to the creation of this religion. Of course the humans on earth have a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have attempted to fix It. The critical wisdom of Confucianism stresses the significance of moral progress of the human being so that the situation can be governed by moral asset somewhat than by the use of coercive laws. Collocation Is at the focus In Confucianism. An easy way to be thankful for Confucian thought Is to deal with It as Ewing set up on varying levels of honesty, and an easy way to understand Confucian thought is to characterize the world by using the way of thinking similar to mankind. In practice, the primary basics and use of Confucianism is as an ethical knowledge to be practiced by all the associates of a society. Confucian ethics is characterized by the promotion of virtues, encompassed by the Five Constants, or the Washing, extrapolated by Confucian scholars during the Han Dynasty. In conclusion I saying humans on earth have a lot of issues that needs to be changed. Next, after you fix the unman problems you need to make rules so you do not need to state the same things back over, and people will know what to do. There are five virtues in Confucianism. These are accompanied by the classical Size with four virtues two virtues are very important to me. It’s Loyalty. Loyalty was also an extension of one’s responsibilities to friends, family, and spouse. Loyalty to family was first, then to a husband or wife, then a ruler, and lastly friends. Loyalty was considered one of the greater human virtues. I conclude in stating rules can help fix human issues. Now, let’s talk about organization. You need to be organized so no one will be confused about what to do. A good use of organization is the Confucianism Governance. They have the concept that you have to govern yourself before you govern others. Also they think the king allows everything to function smoothly and avoids having to tamper with the Individual parts of the whole. In conclusion I state you need to be organized so no one will be confused. I conclude by stating I believe human problems, rules, and organization lead to the creation of this religion. Of course the humans on earth have a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have tried to fix It. Next, after you fix the human problems you need to make rules so you do not need to state the same things back over, and people will know what to do. Then you need to be organized so no one will be confused about what to do. I conclude by stating I believe human problems, rules, and organization lead to the creation of this religion. BY Sturdier and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have tried to fix it. Next, after you fix the human eve a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have attempted to fix it. The critical wisdom of Confucianism stresses the significance of asset somewhat than by the use of coercive laws. Civilization is at the focus in Confucianism. An easy way to be thankful for Confucian thought is to deal with it as individual parts of the whole. In conclusion I state you need to be organized so no a lot of problems that needs to be fixed and Confucius (Kong Fuzz) might have tried to fix it. Next, after you fix the human problems you need to make rules so you do not How to cite Confucianism, Papers Confucianism Free Essays Americans are facing yet another foreign policy dilemma in a far-off corner of the globe. At issue is the fate of the people of the tiny island of East Timor, located in the far reaches of the Indonesian archipelago. At issue is the desire of the East Timorese to secede, which goes against the desires of the central government to maintain the territorial integrity of their country. We will write a custom essay sample on Confucianism or any similar topic only for you Order Now Like minority peoples in the former Republic of Yugoslavia, Iraq, Chad, Burundi and many other places, the succession-minded East Timorese are facing brutal repression from the central government. Perhaps we should send troops to defend the defenseless civilian population of East Timor. Although this scenario is increasingly common in the latter 20th century, the United States has yet to draft a consistent foreign policy stance capable of systematically addressing minority succession movements. One of the prime difficulties in developing a policy is our inability to identify the â€Å"right† and â€Å"wrong† parties. Philosophically, we should recognize the right of self-determination for all nations, but realistically the creation of thousands of micro-national states presents enormous potential for conflict. The best strategy we could embrace would be a preventative one. We should monitor the human and civil rights records of foreign country and keep a close eye on the treatment of minority populations. We may be able to pressure majority populations to respect the rights of minority, thereby undermining the creation of secessionist sentiment. In cases where violence erupts, we can not automatically send in American peacekeeping forces. We can not afford such a policy in terms of lives or tax dollars. The United Nations should be the final arbiter on these matters. If the UN can not act in a manner that is to our liking, then we should consider our geographic and historical relationship with the warring parties. In the case of East Timor, they are clearly out of our geographic realm of influence. We should count on our allies in the region, particularly Japan and Australia, to keep the peace and monitor the behavior of the Indonesians. On the other hand, geography is of no value in making this decision because the worlds’ economy is interdependent. Instability in Indonesia could upset the world market for oil and consequently we could face economic hardship. Geography also did not stop us from encouraging the Indonesians to repress the East Timorese during the Nixon administration. Perhaps we should send forces to East Timor to help undo some of the problems we have helped create. How to cite Confucianism, Papers