Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Iconic Figure, John F. Kennedy, An American President

The iconic figure, John F. Kennedy, an American president of the United States, once famously said, The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. Education is the single most important factor in the development of a country. When I started thinking about why education is so important, I remembered my high school years when I enrolled in Robert A. Millikan High School in Long Beach, California. It was there, where I was amazed by academia – a rigorous community concerned with research, education, and scholarship. Education gives us our general surroundings and changes it is better. It helps us build a unique perspective on knowledge. It helps us manufacture assessments and perspectives on things in†¦show more content†¦The greatest minds in the world work hard constantly to be the individual they visualized to be. I admired many great leaders that work hard for social change. For example, many of those intellectual idols were Mah atma Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., Albert Einstein, and Galileo Galilei. They inspired me to change the world and free people for the better. Their research had a global impact that changes thousands of lives for many years to come. Working hard to achieve a goal in academics was a prime component of my success in high school. The education system is the science of constructing a hardiness self, it develops the resilience one need to achieve indestructible happiness. To discover such quality, in any case, one requires smart insight. The high purpose of human potential as a student gave me the confidence to make school my first priority. The brain provides the tools one has to build up that confronts all conditions terrific and terrible alike with great ease in a formal education. The three steps are principles outlined in a human to attain quick-witted behavior changes that are as followed: studying, academic program, and soccer. The teaching method merits perceiving in view of its capacity to change people into masterminds ready to battle for their freedom. First, Studying was a reason that helps me thrive in a classroom by working hard. There are many methods to study. It provides the guidelines one must adhere to forShow MoreRelatedJohn F. Kennedy : The Man Behind The President1561 Words   |  7 PagesJohn F. Kennedy: The Man behind the President John F. Kennedy changed America in a way in which no President had done before. His election was the beginning of a term that would be one of the most memorable and one of the most tragic in the history of United States Presidents. However, to fully understand John F. Kennedy’s term, and why it was so influential, we must first look into who he was as a person. The understanding of John F. 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